La Grenouille dans le Fauteuil

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Saturday, March 26, 2005

Aries - The Sign of Spring

This is a compact Spring. The equinox was just a few days ago, the full moon was last night, and so tomorrow is Easter. All the energy of Aries is roaring away. But then, Aries is an energetic sign, it wants to get stuff done.

Taurus says "Hey, wait a minute. Are we actually accomplishing anything concrete here? I think we should let it all settle and stay put for a while."

Gemini: "Well I can see your point. But action is good too. Maybe we can have lots of change, yet consolidate what we have as well."

Cancer worries that all this is too disturbing, and wants to take care of everyone, making sure that people come first, whatever the circumstances.

Leo is grateful for this confidence-giving support, and goes out to entertain the world, full of good cheer.

Virgo, usefully, wants to make sure that things are in order and that Leo does not get too far away from home base without adequate organization and a plan.

Libra understands that this irritates Leo, but agrees with Virgo too. She tries to avoid any disagreement breaking out and insists that everyone calm down.

Scorpio, in this climate, has to keep really quiet about his intentions, for fear of being forced to be agreeable. Best to keep quiet.

Sagittarius can't be bothered with all this caution and plotting and just goes ahead and does what he wants. Most people don't even notice.

That's not good enough for Capricorn, who wants to be able to see concrete and accumulating results of her actions, and works steadily towards that sensible goal.

Aquarius is not so happy about this ambitious way of operating, and doesn't think it is right. Aquarius feels he understands the way people ought to behave, and is very willing to explain it to everyone, whether they want to hear or not.

Pisces gets confused. If you tell people what to do, like Aquarius does, people don't do it. So what's the point? What should we do or say, then? What do we want? What do I want?

Then Aries comes back in saying "Oh for goodness sake. Stop being so self-involved. Just DO something." Then she brushes aside all nay-sayers and does things.

So Taurus has to pick up the pieces and show Pisces that there are things he can rely on. Just stay home and ride it out.

Gemini likes what Capricorn did quite a while ago, but loves to agree with Aquarius's wisdom too, so writes poems about it.

Cancer is proud of all these clever people, (though she would appreciate a little more respect) and tells them all to do their thing.

So Leo does. People think he's cool.

Virgo keeps the records and files all the programs.

Libra says “isn’t that nice?”

Scorpio is heartily sick of all the chumminess, and plots to escape.

Sagittarius strikes out for freedom openly, and messes up Scorpio’s plans.

Capricorn gets cross with them all, and demands order.

Aquarius tells them this discord is destructive, and to stop being so selfish.

Pisces feels crushed, and sulks in a corner.

So then, back comes Aries again. “Oh I am sick of all this gloom. I’m going out.”

And off we go again.

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